
Making Your Modern Reception Area ADA-Compliant: Things You Should Know
Making Your Modern Reception Area ADA-Compliant: Things You Should Know
A modern reception area that looks great is something many companies want these days. Making it compliant with the American Disabilities Act, however, is something many companies know little, if anything, about. The American Disabilities Act was written into law in 1990, and provides user-friendly accessibility guidelines to make it easier for those with disabilities to access your workspace. ADA regulations are applicable to many private and public spaces. The idea is that everyone, regardless of who they are, should have a fair opportunity to work and/or live comfortably. In the case of your office layout and presentation, every design detail sends a message to onlookers that you are intentionally taking care of everyone visiting your company.
Great Office Design is Worth the Price You Pay
Great Office Design is Worth the Price You Pay
Any designer worth their salt will tell you that you can’t beat the price you pay for great office design. However, when it comes to writing the check, the team members with the combination to the safe want to know that the investment will pay off. They are the ones we must persuade that the purpose of good modern office design is more than just an upbeat workplace. They are the ones we need to present with real intel about the Benjamins. In case studies done by the Design Management Institute (providing a unique examination of the role of design as a competitive advantage for today’s businesses), it was found that companies investing in design branding and marketing out-performed those with no investment. In fact, a ten-year investment in these types of companies will outperform the S&P index by 228 percent.
Design Questions You Need Answered Before Buying Office Furniture
Design Questions You Need Answered Before Buying Office Furniture

Here's How

With so many opportunities to buy modern office furniture out there, why should you select this one? I can give you seven fool-proof reasons inspired by companies just like yours.

Over the years we have listened to the concerns of thousands of company owners, designers and do-it-yourselfers looking to design a modern reception area, conference room or executive office. The takeaways for you are invaluable. Whatever your concerns, chances are they’ve been asked. Here we have listed seven most common.

What makes this list even more ...

Measuring for Your New Modern Reception Desk: Getting the Best Fit & Function
Measuring for Your New Modern Reception Desk: Getting the Best Fit & Function
Measurements for a modern reception desk take into account the size of your space and your functional needs—both in and around it.
Remodeling Your Business’s Interior Space
Remodeling Your Business’s Interior Space
Giving a fresh look to your workplace offices can not only help you create the perfect business environment but it can add value to your company in many ways. How do you know when it's the right time to take on that cost and challenge?
8 Essential Design Elements Every Office Reception Area Must Have
8 Essential Design Elements Every Office Reception Area Must Have
If you’re considering designing a new, or redesigning an existing office space and are wondering how to create a space that will improve your business functionally, financially, and make a startling impression on visitors and workers alike, it's a good idea to start with your reception area.
Design Inspiration for Your Modern Office Reception Space
Design Inspiration for Your Modern Office Reception Space
Responsibility for selecting design elements for your office reception area can be filled with much uncertainty for the do-it-yourself office designer. You have things to consider: flooring, what to do with walls, which furniture to buy, which lighting to choose, and even which color scheme to select. Putting it all together is enough to rattle your brain. Whether you feel challenged or inspired, few things bring your reception area together like a cool reception desk, lighting, and art.
Modern Office Design Secrets Only Insiders Know
Modern Office Design Secrets Only Insiders Know
When designing a new modern office, you are probably looking for ways to save time and money while reducing stress. If you are moving into a new office space, there’s a boatload of things you’ll need to do, and in most cases, not a lot of time in which to get it done. Here are some tips to help make your office design work run more smoothly, so you can get things done on time—and save a bundle.
How to Make Sure Your Modern Conference Table is the Perfect Size
How to Make Sure Your Modern Conference Table is the Perfect Size
Though just a character in a child’s story, Goldilocks had the right idea in making sure the size of the bears’ furniture was “just right” for her comfort. If she were designing your modern conference room, she would be focused on getting the size and fit just right. Smart girl!
Office Interior Design Anchoring-Fact or Fiction?
Office Interior Design Anchoring-Fact or Fiction?
I went shopping today at a local Home Depot looking to pick up a couple of things I needed for the office. While walking down one of the aisles, I started singing to myself (I sing to myself because, I’m the only person that would tolerate it) …”I don’t remember what day it was, and I don’t remember what time it was”... (By: Spiral Staircase) Suddenly, I asked myself (see, I talk to myself also), where did that come from? Then I realized it had just played over the speaker system. That, started me thinking how amazing it is how our sensory perception works? Without any conscious effort we think, recall, enjoy, hate or fabricate ideas about everything.