Article posts of '2017' 'February'

Modern Reception Areas: How Design Flexibility is Changing the Landscape of Business Thinking
Modern Reception Areas: How Design Flexibility is Changing the Landscape of Business Thinking

Years ago, modern reception area design was as foreign to business owners as speaking Swahili to the average American. However, in this day and age, more and more companies are starting to focus on how their businesses look up front—and the messages this area conveys. They are beginning to realize that the impression they make at first—and the impression visitors leave with—represents an important factor in their business success.

Shark Tank’s Robert Herjavec described his experience of seeing people for the first time when they come into the ...

How to Choose the Perfect Size Reception Desk for “YOUR” Business
How to Choose the Perfect Size Reception Desk for “YOUR” Business

Your business is different in so many ways than the one next door, across town, or even in the next state. Your business reception area may be 200 square feet, while another is 2,000. Your reception area shape may be square and another rectangular, while still another is triangular with a radius back wall and bi-level on the opposite end. One business may have a need for a single user application, and another three, four or more. Your business may need customer face to face communication, and yet another total privacy. If that’s not enough, you still need to consider: job function, wheelchair access, user chair space, and user tools, just to start.

For these reasons and much more, finding the perfect size reception desk ready-made (for the person that really cares about their business details) is next to impossible.

Let’s assume for the moment you care about your business details, then, there are many things you need to evaluate to make sure you select the right size for your business because if you get it wrong, your business will pay in one way or another. Here’s an example of what I mean…