Blog posts tagged with '#reception desk'

Creating an Impactful Modern Reception Area Design
Creating an Impactful Modern Reception Area Design
I’ve experienced thousands of people who have made great modern reception area designs and here’ what they have done differently. When you take over a new office space, one of the first questions you're likely to face is, "What are you going to do with it?" Often, this question brings a moment of pause. What sets great reception area designs apart is not just about what’s trendy but about how you want people to feel when they walk into your office.
Why is Fit So Important to Your Office Reception Area?
Why is Fit So Important to Your Office Reception Area?
Everyone likes the idea of saving money, especially so on high-ticket items. However, there is probably a limit to what you would sacrifice to save a few bucks. Would you agree? Generally, things must fit the intended purpose to make practical sense. Example: you wouldn't buy a pair of shoes two sizes too big or small to save $50, would you? Would you hire a plumber to do your electrical work to save a few hundred dollars? Sometimes, what you must give up in exchange for the savings turns out not to be saving when it's the wrong fit. Conversely, ready-made office reception desks operate under the premises of one-size-fits-all. They want you to believe that someone out there was smart enough to figure out your needs, no matter who you are, what size space you have, what you do, or your company personality.
Discovering the Real Difference Between Ready-Made Modern Reception Desks and Quality Custom Ones
Discovering the Real Difference Between Ready-Made Modern Reception Desks and Quality Custom Ones

“All that glitters isn’t gold,” the man said. Similarly, not all modern reception desks that look great online are shining examples of quality. For those of you who find the way your company is represented to be important, here are some things to consider when you are looking into buying a ready-made reception desk.

Few people who are on the market to buy a modern reception desk understand what they are buying simply by viewing a picture online. For quality-minded buyers, the biggest factors should be material and construction. With this infor...