Exploring the Upscale Trend of Glass Conference Tables in the Modern Office

Exploring the Upscale Trend of Glass Conference Tables in the Modern Office

In the modern conference room, glass can provide any number of appealing elements. It can be unified into the design of any furniture style pretty quickly. Tempered glass, used to fabricate a tabletop, is exceptionally strong, and its lifespan will outlast many other options. Here are a few reasons why glass in the conference room is increasing in popularity.

Color Flexibility

When 90 Degree Office Concepts began offering painted glass conference tables, clients discovered they could incorporate any color into the table design. Our customers can now match practically any element of any room. This possibility alone offers nearly endless flexibility.

Ageless Quality

black glass table top

Glass conference tables offer a never-ending quality, regardless of the age of your office furniture. Resistant to stains and heat, they provide unmatched durability. The heat and water rings common to other types of furniture are of little concern with glass. A material that can withstand most abuse simply means a longer lifespan.

Ease of Preservation

Unlike most material types, with glass, there is no need to worry about stains. Any mess made on glass conference tables can easily be cleaned up with little ado. Usually, a lint-free cloth (or paper towels and glass cleaner) will clean up any mess. Another plus for glass is that it doesn’t deteriorate like most other materials.


With a glass conference table surface, if or when you grow tired of your table style, you can always incorporate the top into another table style. You can inlay the glass into a new conference room table or create a new sub-top and base to update the style.


broken edge glass table topAnother advantage of using glass in your modern conference room is its ability to protect the material below while allowing you to see it. While a bit more expensive, the low-iron glass will remove the tint that comes with standard glass, allowing you to see the material below without distortion.

Upscale Design

There is no question; in addition to the logical reasons for choosing glass for the modern conference room, it adds an air of refinement to any business workplace.

Glass typically works well with modern design, adding a visual appeal that strikes the eye at first glance. A glass conference table can be a center statement in the contemporary conference room.

Glass Design

Rainbow glass tabletopGlass can be outstanding as a surface choice. It can be painted in any number of colors. Bottom-painting of glass allows it to take on any color or pattern you like. Glass can be tinted to provide color without giving up transparency, and glass can be sandwiched between two layers and cracked to create the visual of tiny pieces of broken glass.

Whatever your idea of modern conference room furniture, glass is an option that will add character and a refined aesthetic to any meeting space. A glass table top will enhance customer perception of your business regardless of the size, shape, color, or degree of transparency.