
Boston Law Office Gets a Redesign
Boston Law Office Gets a Redesign

Our clients have such a commitment to their business and getting things perfect, as they see it and feel it; their workspace has to communicate that same integrity to their customers.

As with most clients we work with the Law Office of Esther C.S. Dezube in Boston MA, wanted to redesign and modernize their offices with furniture that was unique while being of good quality.

Green Square Customer Story
Green Square Customer Story

There is no question sometimes you need fast solutions for your business. Often fast solutions may not be available or the best ones. When it comes to finding instant solution for a modern reception desks, one that will be representative of the spirit of the company, it’s not something that can most likely be done in a hurry. There are endless things that need to fit in place like; getting the right size, having the perfect color match, locating a quality that best represents you or meeting opening deadlines.

In the case of Green Square in Tra...

Warner Bros. Annual Convention
Warner Bros. Annual Convention

When Warner Bros. held their annual convention at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami, they called on 90 Degree Office Concepts because they had special requirements to satisfy their needs that were a challenge for them to resolve. They needed a reception desk that was first of all, modern in it appearance. It had to be white in color and be a special size so as to fit in the elevator. It had to be delivered fully assembled due to their setup time restraints. Most importantly, it had to be delivered within a weeks’ time.

Farasis Energy finds the perfect reception station
Farasis Energy finds the perfect reception station

When Farasis Energy, Inc. went looking for a modern reception desk for their expanded facility in Hayward, CA, in the San Francisco Bay area, they looked high and low, open to any option that would be suitable in size and presentation for their impressive facility. After searching for some time, they could not find the perfect fit for their needs. By happenstance they discovered 90 Degree Office Concepts.

USOC Customer Story
USOC Customer Story

When USOC Medical, a biomedical equipment company located in Irvine, California, found 90 Degree Office Concepts online, they were looking for a modern reception desk that would stand out in their new building’s reception area. They contacted 90 Degree on the rebound…which means they were set to buy a reception desk from another vendor when they found us. They found out, after some time had passed, that in order to get the reception-desk size, color, and style they wanted from the other supplier, they would have had to wait 14 weeks.

5 Ways to Buy a High-Quality Reception Station
5 Ways to Buy a High-Quality Reception Station

Our current age of speed, got to have it yesterday, and it’s got to be cheap has made it difficult to sort through everything on offer and find a modern reception desk that best represents the quality of your business.

Make no mistake: a quality modern reception desk is the most important furniture investment you will ever make for your company. Why? Because it’s up-front, visible, and sets a precedent for what’s next. A package that has been beautifully giftwrapped, for example, sets the expectation pretty high as to what’s inside. Likewise, ...

How to Design a Modern Reception Area for Today’s Contemporary Office Space
How to Design a Modern Reception Area for Today’s Contemporary Office Space

No one office space is exactly the same as any other, without the use changing from company to company. No one person’s design preferences can be exactly the same as everyone else’s, while also suiting every company’s individual branding needs. No one company’s process is exactly the same as the one next door, requiring the exact same configuration and tools as a completely difference business. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about a modern reception area, a conference room, or an open workspace—however...

Discovering the Design Style Best-Suited to Your Business’s Office Reception Area

Chances are, if you had to choose only one area in your office workplace to really get serious about design—and categorically put your efforts into being creative—your reception area would most likely be at the top of the list. It’s the idea of thatone impressive image that can definitively setvisitor expectations of your entire company that gets most people’s design juices flowing.

Office Reception Design: First Things First
If designing your office reception area is on the top of your list,too,I would suspect finding the perfect modern receptio...

Bold New Design Approach for a Killer Modern Reception Area

When it comes to buying a new modern reception desk—or any office reception furniture, for that matter—I’ve got to tell you, the approach that most people use is pretty much the same. The search usually begins in one or two places: either online, or in local brick-and-mortar locations.

No matter where people look, the mental approach is still the same. They look until they find something that is visually appealing, put it in a shopping cart, plunk down the trusty old credit card, scratch it off the list, and wait for it to be delivered. Seems ...

Choosing the Best Modern Reception Desk for You — from All the Options Available

There are brown ones, black ones, big ones, small ones, cheap ones, and really costly ones. There are wooden ones and laminate ones, knocked-down ones and fully-assembled ones, free shipping and paid options. YIKES!!! What’s a buyer to do?

Some industries are overloaded with product availability and options to choose from. The office reception industry happens to be one of them. For the most part, it’s something that most businesses need if they are expecting visitors. After all, you can’t have people wandering around your business without dir...