“When the Winds of Change Blow, Some People Build Walls, Others Build Windmills”

“When the Winds of Change Blow, Some People Build Walls, Others Build Windmills”

“When the Winds of Change Blow, Some People Build Walls, Others Build Windmills”

Ancient Chinese Proverbs

It is tempting to make a boring product or offer repetitive service, the reasons being, it’s easy to do, requires limited engagement, fits the needs of the masses, and gets limited criticism or pushback, no stress. If one can make everyone happy because expectations are lower, then no one is unhappy, and we are all good.

Herein lies the problem with that way of being the whole environment is stagnant, zero growth. No one is looking for improvements. Everyone is happy with things just the way they are.

Innovative and dull rarely live together in the same time/space reality. So, if you are a creative thinker, the preponderance of the marketplace is not looking for what you are offering. That is because most people are satisfied with things just the way they are.

Creativity is an evolving phenomenon, the day it stops evolving, is the day things revert to the path of boring. If that’s true, the only people that will be drawn to you are those that are intriguing, unhappy, or bored. For the sake of advancement, it’s important to keep that creative fire burning.

At 90 Degree Office Concepts, we believe creative thinking begins at home. Living in a creative environment in your workplace helps to inspire creative thinking because it is no longer about something you must do, but rather, who you are.

In your office environment, the tools you use i.e., your office furniture, should be both functionally and visually inspiring. As a modern office furniture provider, we wish for you to be continually engaged in pursuing, solving, imagining, and testing what’s possible.