
Credibility is Essential to Brand Stability
Many companies are only concerned about how their brand looks on the surface and how they project themselves to their audience. Any company that has been in business for a while, however, knows that the surface will get scratched. Someone will say the wrong words to a customer who is already irritated, a product will be delivered to a customer that doesn’t meet expectations, or the service department won’t act quickly enough. When a scratch reveals a not-so-nice core, it makes recovery that much more difficult.
Company Creativity: Absolute Requirement, or Nondescript Performance?
I’m sure we’d all agree that creativity is vital to any company’s DNA. This trait is crucial to companies in all rapidly changing industries, and currently, I’d assert that includes most of us.
Bringing Together Office Design, Technology, and Human Nature
Effective companies use data to create systems to grow by. From this data, they constantly invent new technology in order to better manage human capital. Currently, the technology side of things is being produced at a much faster rate than the human side of change. Technology seems to change every day, while humans adapt at a much slower rate.
7 of the Biggest Mistakes Companies Make When Selecting a Modern Office Furniture Provider
Selecting a modern office furniture provider is a big decision for most companies. Avoiding common slip-ups when choosing a furniture provider can give you peace of mind and circumvent a lot of undue stress.
Modern Office Design and the Psychology of Useful Color
The art of successful business involves low-cost tools that produce profitable results. Every business profits from persuasion. It doesn’t matter if you’re persuading customers to buy your products, or persuading workers to contribute to their sale. The best way is to tap into emotional decision-making. While writing, speeches, and images all have their place in the emotional arena, nothing is a more powerful tool than color. It works even when you don’t.
Things You Need to Know About Modern-Style Marble Conference Tables
When it comes to classic beauty in the modern conference room, marble is an outstanding choice. It’s one cool piece of furniture that can check a lot of boxes on the list of things you’d like to have in your workspace. Before you make the choice to purchase one of these beauties, however, there are a few things you might want to know before plopping down that credit card.
Office Design Strategies, with a Human-Experience Focus, Come Alive for BlueStar Alliance
Office Design Strategies, with a Human-Experience Focus, Come Alive for BlueStar Alliance

As we grow into the future, superior companies are shifting their focus to the human experience generated by beautiful workspace design and appointments. For the past decade, cutting-edge companies have been finding and exploiting the strong connection between office design, productivity, customer trust, and employee commitment. At the end of the day, this results in high-level company performance.

One company currently growing in this space is BlueStar Alliance, a Madison Avenue company in the process of experimenting with advanced design tec...

Making Your Modern Reception Area ADA-Compliant: Things You Should Know
Making Your Modern Reception Area ADA-Compliant: Things You Should Know
A modern reception area that looks great is something many companies want these days. Making it compliant with the American Disabilities Act, however, is something many companies know little, if anything, about. The American Disabilities Act was written into law in 1990, and provides user-friendly accessibility guidelines to make it easier for those with disabilities to access your workspace. ADA regulations are applicable to many private and public spaces. The idea is that everyone, regardless of who they are, should have a fair opportunity to work and/or live comfortably. In the case of your office layout and presentation, every design detail sends a message to onlookers that you are intentionally taking care of everyone visiting your company.
Great Office Design is Worth the Price You Pay
Great Office Design is Worth the Price You Pay
Any designer worth their salt will tell you that you can’t beat the price you pay for great office design. However, when it comes to writing the check, the team members with the combination to the safe want to know that the investment will pay off. They are the ones we must persuade that the purpose of good modern office design is more than just an upbeat workplace. They are the ones we need to present with real intel about the Benjamins. In case studies done by the Design Management Institute (providing a unique examination of the role of design as a competitive advantage for today’s businesses), it was found that companies investing in design branding and marketing out-performed those with no investment. In fact, a ten-year investment in these types of companies will outperform the S&P index by 228 percent.
Value Proposition for Our Clients
At 90 Degree Office Concepts, we offer FREE consultation in areas where you might need help. When it comes to something as important as the presentation of your office and business, it has to be done effectively.